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What is it ?

A Kernel that will supports School 'Business' life cycle, implemented as a J2EE/EJB domain layer. The SAFS, unix name for "School Administration Free Software" intends to be a complete solution for all size Schools life cycle administration distributed as 'Free Software' according the GPL license. The SAFS is being developed at and its source code is available to free download, beyond this, services made available by SourceForge can be used to request new features, bugs control and helping in general.

What kind of School will be suported ?

Virtually every kind, from elementary to univerity.

Why 'Free' ?

The 'free software' is a new production concept, where 'capital' is not a main issue (which we do not have) despite this, the public ownership of code generates benefits for all people really involved (i.e., developers and users) and 'put off the way' unnecessary things and persons, or at least put them at theirs right position. Developers at Schools and Universities will be able to use SAFS, extending and customizing it and sharing this evolution, thus SAFS will be stronger and better than something else.

Who pays for the bill ? ( or How to help SAFS )

We hope that in a not longer future schools that will be using SAFS as theirs main engine would like to support us through donations made by the This donnations will be used to increment the amount of work-hours on Development and Support.

It is really necessary ?

There are Schools everywhere, private and state ones, many of them are using free software like GNU/Linux for educational purposes and what about administrative, business life cycle and work flow ? We do not know any complete solution, if you know, please let us know too.

What is the exactly meaning of 'kernel' ?

In SAFS context is only the business layer.

How about the presentation layer ?

We will provide at least one basic presentation layer.

Why J2EE

It is a solid standard and there are free software containers available. Beside the advantages and power of J2EE containers.

It will be customizable ? How much ?

We hope that it will be very easily customizable. Because we will try to focus on well know patterns when doing the design. However note that It will be customizable by 'Developers' not by final users. As a example, a developer would be able to write a new concrete class for 'Abstract factorys' or bind a 'Visitor' to a entity life cycle. We believe that a 'super-hyper-flexible' system is not a good approach, instead, like extremme approach, SAFS will provide a clean and extensible architeture.

Status and Background

Please read the Devel Method   for interesting information about SAFS history.

Benchmark against traditional business model solutions

As soon as possible we will have it.

Your english is ugly ! It will not be a problem ?

Do not worry ! we are good developers, but not so good english writers, your comments are welcome !
send your comments to Admin or post them at ours Forums
last update Ago 06, 2004.

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